You Are a Pinky |
You are fiercely independent, and possibly downright weird. A great communicator, you can get along with almost anyone. You are kind and sympathetic. You support all your friends - and love them for who they are. You get along well with: The Ring Finger Stay away from: The Thumb |
I will be going on vacation Wednesday, so you probably won't be hearing from me for a while. I leave you with a shot of the chevron sock with yarn dyed with KoolAid to stripe. I'm totally addicted to this sock! (It has grown three inches since I took this picture yesterday.)
E.T.A. My friends will attest to the fact that I AM downright weird!
I was an index finger like Anne. The pinkie sounds really cool. I wish I were a pinkie.
Have a wonderful vacation! The sock is looking very good.
I'm a pinkie too, though I didn't have any particular desire going into it. :) Hope you have a wonderful vacation!
I was a pinky too!
You're not THAT weird.
Ha! I was a middle finger. And I'm supposed to stay away from the pinky!
I love your chevron sock! I'm so easily influenced...right now I'm trying to decide between that one and the beaded rib (like Laura's). I ended up buying Sensational Knitted Socks, if you couldn't tell. :-)
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